Monday, October 11

of bliss and masochism

Right after I answered question # 40, Part II on my BA 99.1 (horrendously difficult accounting subject) final exam, I put down my pen, turned off my calculator and had this sudden urge to turn a somersault. Problem was, I didn't know how. So, I did the next best thing. I got on a jeep, headed to the nearest Starbucks and celebrated my complete and utter freedom with a lemon square and a cup of hot chocolate. That is bliss. The feeling that comes over you after finishing every term paper and exam, after dotting every "i" and crossing every "t". And I plan on enjoying every minute. I'm going to spend time with my girlfriends, like I did with Cza today, go shoe-shopping, get a hair-cut, spend a lot of money, and go to the gym. I, for one, think that would be the best way to de-stress. After all, I do have a right to pamper myself after all the excruciating pain I had to go through this whole sem. Message to everyone: If you love yourself, DO NOT take any accounting subjects. Unless you’re a masochist. Like I am. I’ll be taking BA 99.2 next sem...

Sunday, October 10

doing the unexpected

Bear with me here. I'm not really used to this whole letting-other-people-see-into-your-thoughts sort of thing. The way I see it, it's like consensual invasion of privacy. A contradiction of sorts, but you should get my drift. What really brought me here was not a sincere desire to connect with other people, but rather extreme boredom. You see, its nearing 4 am and there's only so much you can watch on TV at this hour. Okay, I admit that there is this 15-page term paper that I'm supposed to be finishing. But I'm bored. And that's that, there's really no arguing with boredom, is there? So here I am, baring my late-night (or is it early morning) rantings for everyone to read. And getting guiltier by the moment when I think of all those blank pages I'm supposed to be filling with my less-than eloquent words. This paper is already late as it is, and yet I don't seem to care. At least not yet. The panic hasn't quite sunk in at this moment. Here I am, writing my first post, and already I have divulged just how terrible a student I am. Nice going. But hey, don't form any negative opinions about me just yet. I happen to work very well under pressure and that paper will be finished, printed and placed in the prof's pigeon-hole at 8 am on Monday. I'm that good. And then again, this could be just one of those wishful thinking episodes I have.