Monday, February 21

Late-night ramblings

As usual my sense of time is warped again. I just woke up and it looks like Im not going to be getting back to sleep anytime soon.

I had an accounting exam yesterday morning and my weekend was wrecked. I spent my entire Saturday studying and solving practice problems. After 8 straight hours of doing that, I just wanted to bang my head on the wall. Try staring at numbers all day, trying to make sense of them, and you'll find yourself going insane as the hours progress. So there I was, pacing back and forth, shaking from all the coffee I imbibed, getting more paranoid by the minute. I had to get out. So i dropped by a friend's party in Sikatuna. I was there for only 45 minutes but it was exactly what I needed. Was back at home by midnight, studied 'til 3, slept 'til 6 and studied again 'til 9. Not that all that studying did me any good. Everyone who took the exam came out feeling dazed. A lot of the problems seemed so easy, but the thing with accounting is, nothing is ever what it seems.

I despise people who want to discuss every detail of an exam the moment they get out of the room. It's as if they spent the last 5 minutes memorizing their answer to every question so that they could ask everyone else if they had the same answer. Get over yourselves.

After that ordeal, I hung out all afternoon in Sikatuna. Discovered that Ren and Stimpy is the best cure for an accounting-induced headache. Mega laugh-trip. Im a few IQ points poorer, but what the heck?!

The week is over. Despite all the crappy things, I wouldn't change a thing.


At 3:56 AM, Blogger Eric Carlson said...

This is good insight, and funny:
"I despise people who want to discuss every detail of an exam the moment they get out of the room. It's as if they spent the last 5 minutes memorizing their answer to every question so that they could ask everyone else if they had the same answer. Get over yourselves."

Keep up the good work
eric: New Revolution

At 9:48 PM, Blogger czarina said...

i have a new template...well its not new... its one of the blogge default templates.

dun want my former one. got tired of it... i dunno.... maybe im tired of all the ek-ek...

good you have a siktatuna gang to keep you sane dear.


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