Sunday, February 13

What really matters

My day was incredibly exhausting. My cousins were here this afternoon, and I spent all day playing with them. Where do kids get all their energy? They were running around all afternoon, tearing the house apart and they never slowed down. I, on the other hand, was totally exhausted after two hours with them. I just lay down on the couch and fell asleep. I got to nap for about 10 minutes then I had to go chasing after them again. My mom looked away for one second and Tina, the three-year-old was already out on the balcony. Mom almost had a heart attack. Obviously, we don't have the stamina or the presence of mind to look after three toddlers. But when they had to leave, we kept asking my tita if we could borrow one of them. :P I love those kids to pieces, I don't care if they suck out all of my energy.

The best feeling in the world is having a little kid snuggle up to u and sleep in your arms.


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