Getting away
Just got back from Iloilo. Decided to have a bit of a rest before going back to school to wrestle with my own personal hell (a.k.a. accounting) again. Just before we left for the province, i encountered the worst exam ever. I thought the other accounting exams were bad. This one was just plain sadistic. After the exam, I felt like simultaneously puking my guts (as well as my brains) out and having a sobbing fit. Imagine what a mess that would have been. So instead I composed myself and pushed all thoughts of accounting out of my head.I actually planned to study during our stay in Iloilo. I even brought my book, a highlighter and a calculator. Yeah right. My book never even left my bag. I lugged it all the way to Iloilo for nothing.
But it was all good. I got the rest I wanted. I actually wish I could have stayed longer and if it weren't for finals and papers I probably would have. I love that place so much. It felt good to come home after eleven years of being away. Wish I could do that every year.
heyey! WOW!!! BAKASYON! Nanu gani tawag mo sa beach? Baybay? hehe.
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