aiming for a merry christmas
Of course Christmas should be the happiest time of the year. But I notice that as I grow older, Christmas, at least my Christmas, loses more and more of its glitter. Gone are the days when I pestered everyone to break out the Christmas decorations as early as November. I've stopped counting the gifts under the Christmas tree every night and there are no more smiles of contentment at the ever-growing piles of presents. And I've lost that heady mix of intense anticipation and impatience that always used to accompany me on the day before Christmas.I guess that's the price that comes with growing up. At the age of nineteen, Christmas has become more of a responsibility than a delight. There are the usual responsibilities like shopping for perfect presents for my lengthening list of family and friends, wrapping those presents, cooking dishes for Noche Buena, and juggling the different holiday engagements. Then there are other more tedious responsibilities like law annotations and lit papers that should really have no place in the holiday season. With all these things to keep track of, it's no wonder that the holidays have also been invaded by that dreadful affliction we all wish to avoid: STRESS.
It really is quite disheartening when you consider it. But no matter what, it's still Christmas. Now is the time for all the things that matter the most, like family. So I'm going to confine my complaints to this particular entry, and greet the next two days with as much joy and enthusiasm as I can muster. So Merry Christmas everyone! :)
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